Oslo Cycling Week:
A mini-festival on two wheels
Every week is cycling week in Oslo: This city is buzzing with the sound of bikes! But one week will be a little bit more special than others. We call it Oslo Cycling Week.

28 August - 01 September 2024
What, when and where?
Wednesday, 28 August, 2024
18:00 - 20:00
18:00 - 20:00
Off-bike launch event by Rodeo Architects + Oslo Cycling Week: Oslo as a cycling capital?
Meet-up at Byens Tak (Folketeatret, 12. etg.)
We kick off the week with an opening extravaganza featuring an exciting conversation about Oslo as a leading international cycling city - and plenty of opportunities for mingling and hanging at the bar with people from across Oslo's cycling world.

NB: All on-stage content will be in Norwegian.
Ability level: Everyone is welcome! Free event, with drinks for sale at the bar, and lots of good people!

  • «Oslo som sykkelby status 2024» ved Liv Jorun Andenes (seksjonsleder Mobilitetsdivisjonen, leder for Sykkelprosjektet, Bymiljøetaten)
  • «Mer enn en sport! Sykling som subkultur og estetisk felt» ved Mari Oshaug, redaktør og utgiver av Bikevibe
  • «Lastesykler som leasing-basert tjeneste» ved Whee.com
  • «Oslo Bysykkels bidrag til å gjøre Oslo til en sykkelby» ved Christoffer Bakken Åkre, senior byplanlegger, Oslo Bysykkel
  • «Oslo som sykkelby – en kulturhistorisk tidslinje» ved Knut Schreiner, Rodeo arkitekter
  • Moderator: Jørn Haanes (entreprenør)
  • + åpen bar, takterrasse, pop up bokhandel, DJ og hangout – velkommen til et sosialt «off-bike»-event om sykling i Oslo!
Thursday, 29 August, 2024
05:40 – 07:15
05:40 – 07:15
Oslo Dawn Patrol
Meet-up at Dildonissen in Gamlebyen (Oslo gate 100)
A social ride open to anyone who enjoys riding their bike in the early morning hours. We ride in groups, and we always leave on time. There is a free-pace segment along the route where you can challenge your legs. Coffee at Fuglen Gamlebyen after. Maybe there is also a small surprise this week?

Ability level: Two groups of 25 km/h and 28 km/h
17:00 - 19:30
17:00 - 19:30
Introduction to group riding
Meet-up at Dildonissen in Gamlebyen (Oslo gate 100)
Hosted by Oslo Dawn Patrol captain Ketil Wendelbo Aanensen aka Wattnissen, the purpose for this event is to let beginners to group riding get some basic instructions and pointers in how to act and ride in a group setting. The goal is letting you get practice in group riding, so that the group rides are safer for everyone involved, and making you able to to efficiently keep up in group rides.

Ability level: The target audience is those who recently started riding in group 2 in Oslo Dawn Patrol, or those who'd like to give it a go, but are unsure what to expect.
17:45 - 19:00
17:45 - 19:00
ArchitecTour of Oslo with Valle Velo: Brutalist buildings and brutal climbs
Meet-up at Bislett Stadium/Grete Waitz' Statue
Meet-up at 17:45, roll-out at 18:00
Cycling is not just a sport, it is also about community and culture. Join Valle Velo for a casual social ride to discover some of Oslo's hidden architectural gems, with some fun climbs to match. Ending at some nice place for a post-ride snack.

Ability level: Urban ride in a group at 25 km/h
18:00 - 20:00
18:00 - 20:00
Oslo Pedal Pals
Meet-up at Låkeberget Utfartsparkering (parking lot in Maridalen)
Gravel spin for girls! Join us for a social ride on the finest gravel that Maridalen and Nordmarka has to offer.

Ability level: Social pace, no drop
Friday, 30 August 2024
Pendlertoget / Commuters of Oslo
Meet-up at Smia 05:35, Ottarsrud 05:38, Hjulet, 06:10
Drop the car and bring your bike to work today instead! Join the commuters of Oslo who have been pedaling the roads since 2019.

Ability level: Road ride in a group at 25 km/h
17:30 – 19:30
17:30 – 19:30
Chat Laps - Oslo Spin Club X Mediocre Athletics Club
Chat Laps” vol.5. The concept is simple… ‘infinity’ laps of Maridalen, ca 50km or as much as you want. We ride together in a circuit at chat pace, and riders can adapt the loop to shorten as required. After the 2x loops we regroup at Hammeren and descend to MacDonald’s at Storo for the post ride social and banter together. Road ride. All skills/ experience welcome. Chat pace. Good vibes only. Please don’t take cycling too seriously.
Saturday, 31 August
10:00 - 12:00 or
13:00 - 15:00 or
16:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 12:00 or
13:00 - 15:00 or
16:00 - 18:00
Asker Velodrome test ride
Meet-up at Asker Velodrome (Langenga 60 1386 Asker)
Now you can try track cycling in safe conditions for free! Here will give you a small taste and an insight into what track cycling is. The instructor will take you through a program that will cover the use of bicycles and simple rules for riding on the track. You only need to bring training clothes and a tight-fitting pair of trousers. You can borrow a bike, shoes and helmet from the velodrome!

Free! Ability level: Intermediate cycling skills recommended, no track cycling experience needed
11:00 - 15:00
11:00 - 15:00
Rouleur social ride
Meet-up at Rouleur (Ullevålsveien 16A - St. Hanshaugen)
Meet-up and coffee from 11.00. Roll-out 11.30 sharp. Quick refill stop at around 50-60k. Back at Rouleur around 14.30 for Apéro (Optional 200NOK pp for food) See you 😊

Pace 28-30 km/h depending on the group.
12:00 - 14:00
12:00 - 14:00
Cycling school for kids by Green Cycling Norway
Family cycling event! Bring your kids for a fun course in how to ride a bike safely with professional coaches from Green Cycling Norway.

Accessible for all kids and families and free for all, thanks to Bydel Sagene!
Sunday, 01 September 2024
09:00 – 13:00
09:00 – 13:00
Social road cycling ride for ladies (and gents) with Babes on Wheels
Meet-up at Fuglen Coffee Roasters (St. Halvards gate 33)
Join us for an easy social ride in Follo, with coffee at Stasjonskafeen in Kråkstad ! Average pace around 25 km/h. Everyone is invited - come as you are!

Ability level: Road ride in a group at 25 km/h
09:00 – 13:00
09:00 – 13:00
Oslo Cycling Week gravel smashfest

Meet-up at Brekkekrysset bus stop (Svensenga 67)

Time to end this amazing week with a bang! Join us for a gravel smashfest in Nordmarka on the Ring 5 loop. Coffee at Sørkedalen Landhandel after.

Ability level: Advanced gravel ride
10:00 - 13:00
10:00 - 13:00
Asker Velodrome - A1 express accreditation
Meet-up at Asker Velodrome (Langenga 60 1386 Asker)
On this course, we have combined the intro and A1 course. This means that you are accredited by completing and passing this course. (To participate in competitions, you must have A2 accreditation.)

Rental of bike, shoes and helmet is included in the price. Arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the course.

NB: Cost of NOK 999,- applies for this activity.
So what is this Oslo Cycling Week thing, anyway?
Our aim is to bring together many of the different cycling communities across town in a joint annual event to celebrate all kinds of cyclists. Commuters, racers, kids, parents with cargo bikes, and hipsters on single speeds. We love you all.
Who is part of Oslo Cycling Week?
This is a non-profit initiative for all of Oslo's cycling community. Behind is a small group of amateur cyclists and volunteers. So far, we have invited Oslo Dawn Patrol, Oslo Pedal Pals, Pendlertoget, Green Cycling Norway, Oslo Spin Club, Asker Velodrome, Valle Velo, Babes on Wheels, Rodeo Architects and GRØD Oslo, and more, to put together a special program during these dates.
Is this just about cycling, or is there more to it?
We also have a few partners such as Fuglen Coffee and Fara Cycling, who will help us host an off-bike gathering and a party where everyone is invited. Because we think cycling in Oslo is also about community and creating a fun city to live in.
What do I have to do to join?
Oslo Cycling Week is for YOU! And it is free of charge to ride with us. Are you in? Mark your calendars. And don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to be a part of it. More information to come. Watch this space...!
Oslo Dawn Patrol is a social ride open to anyone who enjoys riding their bike in the early morning hours.
Green Cycling Norway is an initiative to promote the role of cycling for health and a sustainable future
Babes on Wheels is a social cycling community open to all girls who cycle
Oslo Spin Club is a social outdoor community
Pendlertoget / Commuters of Oslo is a daily group ride to and from Oslo for those who prefer commuting by bike
Valle Velo is a cycling community from the St. Hanshaugen district of Oslo, which is about more than cycling
Oslo Pedal Pals is a cycling community for girls who ride in Oslo
This event is fully run by volunteers on a non-profit basis, but some individual activities are supported by government entities or private companies
What do you need to join?
  • 99%
    Yes, highly recommended
  • 10%
    Not needed, come as you are!
  • 30%
    Choose activity based on ability!
Want to hear more?
Sign-up with your e-mail address to stay informed
Who are we?
Oslo Cycling Week is a non-profit foundation (organization number 932 483 718) founded by Hans Flensted-Jensen, Petter Bodman and Fredrik Norman, who are all road captains of Oslo Dawn Patrol. The purpose of the foundation is to promote cycling as a healthy and environmentally friendly activity in the Oslo area, as well as to organize cycling events and activities. This is the foundation's first initiative.
DISCLAIMER: All riding is done on your own risk. Cycling can be a dangerous sport and injuries unfortunately do occur. Oslo Cycling Week or the involved individuals take no responsibility for accidents, damaged equipment, injuries, lost/stolen items etc.
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